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If you keep seeing the dreaded “Sale Agreed” on your perfect property, you need the inside track to put you at the front of the queue during this extremely active market.

If you’re searching for a new property right now though, you might have found the perfect one only to scroll down and see that is already sale agreed. How can that be? How has it sold so quickly? Well, the housing market is incredibly active right now.

Supply is very low, but numerous homes are selling before they even hit property sites! Agreed sales have sky rocked compared to pre-COVID times – so how are properties across Co. Cork selling so fast?

Proactive estate agents are only calling potential buyers, in a position to go ahead, giving them the inside track to these great properties before they are released to property sites. In many cases, you could even be invited along to a viewing before any floor plans and photographs have been arranged!

So how do you get your agent to call you first? Well, if you have an offer agreed on your home, you are in an even better position to be offered new properties, so get in touch with us today and let’s discuss your options. We can build a completely no-obligation, no-pressure plan to help get your home under offer and help you to find your next home.

Here at DNG GALVIN, we make sure we listen to our customers to understand exactly what you are looking for.

Feel free to contact us anytime to discuss your property needs.

023 8844958

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