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How can I get my house ready to sell quickly?

How to get your house ready to sell quickly?

You are looking to sell in the coming months, what steps should you take to have the house ready to go?

Preparation is key for a smooth swift sale of a property, writes Majella Galvin. Before putting your house on the market, make sure it’s ready. In other words, have it looking well and get the required legalities in order. This will expedite the sale of your property.

Get Your House Ready To Sell Quickly

Here are tips to help you prepare your house for sale


Your first step is to find out how much your property is worth. Knowing the value of your property will help you to sort out your finances and plan your upcoming move. A local valuer or estate agent will be able to help you in this regard.

Energy rating

With the dramatic rise in energy costs, building energy rating (Ber) certificates have become hugely important. It is also a legal requirement that all properties offered for sale have a current Ber certificate. If you purchased the property within the last 10 years, this document may be with the deeds, but if not, you would need to commission one.


Potential purchasers need to imagine themselves living in your house so you need to depersonalise it as much as practicable. One important aspect when getting your property ready for market is to showcase as much counter surface space and floor space as possible. Put things you don’t use much in the attic or in storage. Large pieces of furniture should also go into storage; this will make rooms feel more spacious. Key areas to focus on are: the hallway – clear away coats and any additional clutter; the bathroom – remove all personal items; the kitchen – clear the counter surface of appliances, biscuit tins, pasta jars and remove tea towels and other clutter.

First Impressions

The initial impression that your home makes is long-lasting. Concentrate on first impressions, as a well-maintained exterior is an important part of showcasing your home. A tidy garden and freshly painted front door will give the buyer a lovely welcome

Maintenance and repairs

Is there anything that might put off buyers? Can it be easily fixed? Go through each room and jot down a list. Consider patching holes in the walls, loose fittings and fixing doors that squeak or stick. Ensure all light bulbs are working. Remove weeds from gutters. Tidy the gardens.


It is still essential that your property is clean and smelling fresh before every viewing. Getting professional cleaners in at the start of your sales campaign can really make the place sparkle and will be money well spent. A gleaming bathroom and kitchen are fundamental, as buyers rate these as important rooms. If you have pets, make sure you air out the property before viewings. Use plug-ins, scented candles or fresh flowers for a clean, light scent.


Open curtains and blinds for more light and, while you’re at it, make sure windows are washed and curtains and blinds are clean and hung properly. In summer, natural light can create a wonderful atmosphere and give a feeling of freshness and cleanliness. If the sale process goes into winter, make sure all light bulbs are working and have lights switched on for viewings during the day. If you have a fireplace, have the fire lit as it will create a homely ambience to your potential buyer.

Paperwork and Legalities

An essential step when selling your property is to liaise with your solicitor. Before a solicitor can prepare a contract for the sale of your property, they will need several documents, including title deeds; evidence of compliance with planning obligations; an up-to-date map of the property; evidence of registration of services, eg septic tank; and your exemption cert for the non-principal private residence (NPPR) fees (as it is your principle residence). If it was an investment property, you would need confirmation that you paid the NPPR. You will also require proof that your local property tax is paid to date and for the coming year

Selling Your Home in Bandon, Kinsale, Clonakilty, Courtmacsherry, Cork or West Cork?

As one of west corks ‘leading estate and letting agents, we are committed to making matters easier for you. We understand that selling your property can be stressful. This is why we offer up-to-date advice and guidance to you, every step of the way. Find out more about how DNG Galvin can support you in selling your property by calling us on 023 8844958 .

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